
contemplation- selfAs individuals, we often struggle to uncover our capability to create lasting life change. These struggles can lead to self-doubt, anxiety, and depression. We can feel like outsiders to our own lives and misunderstood by those around us.  This can create private internal conflicts and conflicts within our relationships.  Those relationships can begin to suffer, leading to separation, distance, and harm. Soon we are at odds with ourselves and others, struggling to make sense of what is happening in our lives.  As we struggle, we begin to lose hope and turn to blaming others or ourselves. Navigating these challenges in life by yourself can seem overwhelming.  You may feel lost, isolated, misunderstood, and broken.  You may doubt yourself, question the choices you make, and feel like the future is hopeless.  You may find that relying upon others close to you to help you through these difficult times is difficult.  You may not want to burden them with your challenges or may feel as if they will not understand.

Finding someone who can provide you a safe, private, and supportive environment to work through your struggles can help.  At Restorative Psychological Services, Inc, individuals are offered a place where they can discover the capacity they have within themselves and through their faith to find hope and healing.  Using a  dynamic approach to counseling that integrates restorative practices with proven counseling approaches, individuals are empowered to understand themselves and begin a path to healing.  Dr. Wall welcomes conversations involving your faith and how you incorporate personal faith beliefs into your process.  Please contact us to learn about how we can help you begin your process.

What to Expect

Counseling is a very personal experience. Individuals have different needs and different ways for those needs to be met. During the initial consultation Dr. Wall will work with you to identify the specific areas of your life that are creating harm for you. After the initial consultation, you and Dr. Wall will begin to identify specific goals that you hope to achieve through the counseling process. You will then work closely with Dr. Wall to create a schedule and plan for meeting those goals. Periodically, Dr. Wall will review the goals that you have set and help you identify progress that you are making in meeting your counseling goals.

Before Your First Session

After scheduling your first session with Dr. Wall, you will be directed to an online portal to complete the new patient welcome packet.  Dr. Wall is currently an in-network provider for Optum/United Behavioral Health//UMR and out-of-network for most other major insurance carriers. It is important that you understand your health insurance coverage prior to your first session to ensure that Dr. Wall accepts your plan coverage.